Deploying SignServer as a Helm chart is the easiest way to get started with our open-source signing platform on Kubernetes.
A Helm chart is a higher-level abstraction that enables you to manage a group of related Docker containers as a single unit. SignServer Community Helm chart is a simple Helm chart that will get you started quickly while also giving you the option to create a production-like installation of SignServer to test.
The SignServer Community Helm Chart bootstraps SignServer Community on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. SignServer depends on an existing PKI for infrastructure certificates as well as for signer certificates for workers. You need to have EJBCA installed and ready to support you with the relevant certificates. See multiple options here on how to get started with EJBCA PKI.
Deploying signserver-community-helm using default configurations will start SignServer with an ephemeral database and without the possibility of accessing the administration web interface. To be able to use SignServer, you also need to customize the deployment to allow AdminWeb access.
Our documentation on GitHub explains how to get started with an ephemeral instance of SignServer and how to customize the deployment, including adding an external database.
In addition, we have a YouTube tutorial video that takes you through all the relevant steps:
We're eager to hear your feedback and suggestions as we continue to improve this Helm chart. Read more about SignServer on signserver.org and explore more deployment options and Get Started guides.
Please note that previous Community SignServer Helm chart versions will not be further developed and will soon be discontinued.